Scrubby Dubby Saga
To play this great new game click here
Scrubby Dubby Saga is the newest king game. It’s another 3 in a row game, but this time a little bit different then other 3 in a row games.
Below you will find the list of walkthrough video’s for the levels of this game:
$baseurl = “”;
$postname = “scrubby-dubby-saga-level-“;
$poststmp = “136”;
$posts = $poststmp+1;
$title = “Scrubby dubby saga level “;
$z = 0;
$start = 1;
$end = 50;
echo “Levels “.$start.” – “.$end.”
for($x=1;$x<$posts;$x++) {
$y = $x+25;
if ($y > $posts) {
if ($x > $posts){ ;}
else { $link = ““.$title.$x.”
“; echo $link; $z++;}}
else { if ($x+26 > $posts){ $link = ““.$title.$x.”
“; echo $link; $z++;}
else {$link = ““.$title.$x.” “.$title.$y.”
“; echo $link; $z++;}}
if ($z == “25”){$start = $start+50; $end = $end+50; if ($end > $posts){ $end = $poststmp;}
if ($start > $poststmp){
$z=0 ;$x = $y;}
else {
Levels echo $start."-".$end; ?>
$z=0 ;$x = $y;}} } [/insert_php]