Genies and Gems
To play this great new game click here
If your looking for any kind of help or for friends to play this game with join this great group on facebook:
Genies & Gems fan group
Below you will find the list of walkthrough video’s for the levels of this game:
$baseurl = “”;
$postname = “genies-and-gems-level-“;
$poststmp = “1748”;
$posts = $poststmp+1;
$title = “Genies and Gems level “;
$z = 0;
$start = 1;
$end = 50;
echo “Levels “.$start.” – “.$end.”
for($x=1;$x<$posts;$x++) {
$y = $x+25;
if ($y > $posts) {
if ($x > $posts){ ;}
else { $link = ““.$title.$x.”
“; echo $link; $z++;}}
else { if ($x+26 > $posts){ $link = ““.$title.$x.”
“; echo $link; $z++;}
else {$link = ““.$title.$x.” “.$title.$y.”
“; echo $link; $z++;}}
if ($z == “25”){$start = $start+50; $end = $end+50; if ($end > $posts){ $end = $poststmp;}
if ($start > $poststmp){
$z=0 ;$x = $y;}
else {
Levels echo $start."-".$end; ?>
$z=0 ;$x = $y;}} } [/insert_php]