Monster Busters

Monster Busters is a 3 in a row game that can played for free on facebook. It has tons of levels, so it’s perfect to give you hours and hours of gameplay!

To play this game click here

Below you will find the list of walkthrough video’s for the levels of this game:


$baseurl = “”;
$postname = “monster-busters-stage-“;
$poststmp = “436”;
$posts = $poststmp+1;
$title = “Monster Busters level “;
$z = 0;
$start = 1;
$end = 50;
echo “Levels “.$start.” – “.$end.”

for($x=1;$x<$posts;$x++) { $y = $x+25; if ($y > $posts) {
if ($x > $posts){ ;}
else { $link = ““.$title.$x.”
“; echo $link; $z++;}}
else { if ($x+26 > $posts){ $link = ““.$title.$x.”
“; echo $link; $z++;}
else {$link = ““.$title.$x.”        “.$title.$y.”
“; echo $link; $z++;}}

if ($z == “25”){$start = $start+50; $end = $end+50; if ($end > $posts){ $end = $poststmp;}
if ($start > $poststmp){
