Pepper Panic Saga is another 3 in a row game from . In this game you will find all kind of goals to complete.
Of course it’s getting harder and harder each level and for some levels you need some luck, but you can be sure that pepper panic saga
will give you hours and hours of fun!
To play this game click here
Below you will find the list of walkthrough video’s for the levels of this game:
$baseurl = “”;
$postname = “pepper-panic-saga-level-“;
$poststmp = “396”;
$posts = $poststmp+1;
$title = “Pepper Panic Saga level “;
$z = 0;
$start = 1;
$end = 50;
echo “Levels “.$start.” – “.$end.”
for($x=1;$x<$posts;$x++) {
$y = $x+25;
if ($y > $posts) {
if ($x > $posts){ ;}
else { $link = ““.$title.$x.”
“; echo $link; $z++;}}
else { if ($x+26 > $posts){ $link = ““.$title.$x.”
“; echo $link; $z++;}
else {$link = ““.$title.$x.” “.$title.$y.”
“; echo $link; $z++;}}
if ($z == “25”){$start = $start+50; $end = $end+50; if ($end > $posts){ $end = $poststmp;}
if ($start > $poststmp){
$z=0 ;$x = $y;}
else {
Levels echo $start."-".$end; ?>
$z=0 ;$x = $y;}} } [/insert_php]