Pet rescue saga is another great game from king. The main goal in this game is to safe the cute animals.
Like most games it starts easy, but it becomes more difficult the more levels you complete.
This game is good for hours and hours of gameplay.
To play this game click here
Below you will find the list of walkthrough video’s for the levels of this game:
$baseurl = “”;
$postname = “pet-rescue-saga-level-“;
$poststmp = “2110”;
$posts = $poststmp+1;
$title = “Pet rescue saga level “;
$z = 0;
$start = 1;
$end = 50;
echo “Levels “.$start.” – “.$end.”
for($x=1;$x<$posts;$x++) {
$y = $x+25;
if ($y > $posts) {
if ($x > $posts){ ;}
else { $link = ““.$title.$x.”
“; echo $link; $z++;}}
else { if ($x+26 > $posts){ $link = ““.$title.$x.”
“; echo $link; $z++;}
else {$link = ““.$title.$x.” “.$title.$y.”
“; echo $link; $z++;}}
if ($z == “25”){$start = $start+50; $end = $end+50; if ($end > $posts){ $end = $poststmp;}
if ($start > $poststmp){
$z=0 ;$x = $y;}
else {
Levels echo $start."-".$end; ?>
$z=0 ;$x = $y;}} } [/insert_php]